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2017/3/8 11:49:21 acqiche
我们热爱这个行业为之两年,如果你也和我们一样充满激情, 就让我们在54个小时里来验证你的创业梦想! 香港创业周末资料 Startup Weekend HongKong 创业周末是全球最大的活跃企业家的草根盛事,已经在120多个国家的700多个城市举办过。这个活动已经成为全球最大的企业家源泉。 Startup Weekend is the largest, grassrootsmovement of active and empowered entrepreneurs in the world. Events have beenheld in over 700 cities and in more than 120 countries and the movement is thelargest source of entrepreneurs in the world. 所有创业周末活动都遵循以下基本模式:活动总共54小时,每个人都可以阐述和分享自己的创业点子(pitch)并得到现场反馈,每个团队都从最好的点子中创立起来,这个过程是一个紧凑的54小时,是商业模式的创立、编程、设计和市场得到验证的过程。 All Startup Weekend events follow the samebasic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedbackfrom their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined bypopular vote) and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation,coding, designing, and market validation. 活动的最终核心部分是每个团队可在当地企业家领袖面前展示他们创业周末中创建的成果,并且能得到切实诚恳的评判和反馈。 The weekends culminate withpresentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with anotheropportunity for critical feedback. 创业周末是什么? what's Startup Weekend ![]()
汽车产业正在飞速的发展, 我们非常惊喜地看到有无数的创业者拥有对于这个行业优秀大胆的想法,创新的理念。所以我们决定开始举办创业周末AUTO一个建于垂直领域的版本。无关地域无关城市,只要你对这个行业是满怀信心和期待的,都能加入我们。 The Automotive industry comes with a fast growing market, and at the same time we can see a lot startups with great idea and brilliant projects. We decide to bring out the Startup Weekend Auto vertical edition that focus on thespecific industry with professional mentor, judge and participators. We wish to help the startups find the team members that have the same interest, idea, passion and more cross-areas. 我们希望可以在这个垂直领域为创业者带来更加专业化的导师和评委,也同时让对这个行业都有兴趣,梦想和热情的创业者们更加容易地找到彼此更多的交集。 It's not a city based version thereforce, no matter where you are, you can join us. Also for the mentor and judge we will invite the experts in this automotive industry with technical, marketing and product experience. 我们期待看到更多的化学反应可以为汽车这个快速发展的行业带来更多的优秀理念. 让我们停止空谈!立刻行动! We wish to see any chemical reaction that may deliver any great ideas to this fast growing automotive industry. No talk all action ! 创业周末AUTO是什么? What's Startup Weekend Auto? ![]()
我有一个很棒的想法,想了很久但是迟迟没有动手 i have a great idea, but never put that in action. 我的创业项目会不会和别人一样? what if someone else has the same idea as mine ? 我苦于找到和我志同道合的合作伙伴 I'm trying to find a realiable team member 我从来没有过创业一头雾水,不知道如何动手 I never started a business myself , i don't know where to start 我想做一个产品但是没有足够的技术帮我 I want to create something,but i need technical support 我自己的公司项目遇到了困难,我想通过新的想法来打开一扇新门 I have some trouble with my current business , i want to open a new door 没错! 这就是想要的54小时 THAT'S THE 54 HOURS YOU NEED 如果你有以下症状: If you have following symptoms: 2017.3.24-26 活 动 时 间Activity Time P²联合创业办公社 上海市闵行区申长路988弄虹桥万科中心T5B2层 活 动 地 点 Activity Place Kate 187-5832-4036(可添加微信) 活 动 联 系 Contact
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